What started as an excuse for friends to talk about films for 28 minutes a week has turned into an excuse to talk critically about films on radio for 28 minutes a week.
Perhaps you’ve seen them in the studio at lunch time playing with geeky toys and strangely speaky things (or in another word – toys).
GR stars Royce Pentaghast of Agnetha Deveaux and Lion Goats fame, and features regular contributors Josh, Jake, Matt, Holly and Liz.
They review, recommend, and sometimes warn about the biggest geeky themed films and TV shows from Star Wars to James Bond, Westworld to The Greatest Showman.
The series airs at 4 PM on Thursdays and is available to listen on YouTube at Royce Pentaghast’s channel. The 100th episode (title to be confirmed) is scheduled for Thursday 23rd
DOWNLOAD December Program Schedule HERE
I don’t have email to register feedback on your programs. I wanted you to know how much I enjoy the early morning presenters. I love the cheerful presentations… Stage & Screen, your multicultural inclusions, local news and familiarisations with our region. I’ve only been a Tas. Resident for three and a half years, so hearing about local businesses has been a help, to find services you advertise. I can not recall names of presenters at the moment – Souvenirs is another I enjoy. When I can, I will call in and offer an donation in 2022…. A Gravelly Beach listener 6/11/21
City Park Radio is scheduling 10 episodes of the old radio program White Coolies
In 1942, Japanese aircraft sank the merchant ship VYNER BROOKE in Banka Straight killing 12 army nurses. On shore two days later, the Japanese rounded up 22 and gunned them down, one, Vivian Bullwinkel, managed to feign death and escaped only to become part of 32 surviving nurse POW’s from the sinking of the ship.
White Coolies is an autobiographical account written by one of those nursing sisters, Hobart born Betty Jeffrey.
Sister Jeffrey kept a diary on scraps of paper hidden in a cushion, a bottle and even up her jumper, at great risk to herself and others. After the war she wrote the book and called it ‘White Coolies‘. At the time the serial was broadcast in 1955, Betty Jeffrey commented that the book had enjoyed 6 reprints.
CPR member Brian Watson is only survivor of the team that recorded the series which went to air 1955/1956. The audience was 5 million via the Macquarie network.
The movie “Paradise Road” is also based on the book.
City Park Radio is replaying some episodes in the lead up to the 80th anniversary of the sinking of the Vyner Brooke and the tragic events that followed.
Hear “White Coolies” on Wednesdays at 4.30pm from December 15.
The whole series is available from Grace Gibson Productions and we thank them for allowing us to broadcast a few episodes. – This story is 80 years old and contains the language of the era.
Work has started a new podcast series – “See Me – Stories of Ability and Inspiration” – in our new podcast facility.
First to be interviewed by Jodie Lowe was John Ralph and Derrick Jonas… their chat focused on the LUFT and the challenges for people of various abilities.
The series is aiming to be completed in 2022 to go to air in the first half of the year.
City Park Radio has been successful in obtaining a CBF grant to assist with the making of this series.
Meanwhile, a weekly podcast is already being recorded at City Park Radio.
Malcolm Levett has been assisting three local St Giles clients to have a quiet place to conduct their own podcast.
The Podcast “Rule Of Thumb” is a finalist in this year’s CBAA awards; this series an initiative of the Womens Legal Service of Tasmania.
Penny Terry put together 14 episodes that were at times quite challenging to listen to with graphic stories of abuse, but it also offered glimmers of hope and practical examples to recognize and abate situations moving forward.
Watch out on our social media throughout December to see and hear if ‘Rule Of Thumb’ is the winner of the Best Radio Program – Talks for 2021.
It’s the day for the City Park radio Christmas BBQ …
Open to all members, it is your chance to mingle with friends and meet some of the volunteers who make City Park Radio happen.
Please let the office know if you’ll be attending and if you’ll bring a salad or sweet.
And the Christmas Hamper raffle will be drawn as well…
get your tickets now during office hours and again on the day.
The raffle is a fundraiser for the station.
City Park Radio wishes all its members and volunteers a very Happy Christmas
4th Public Program Meeting 10am
4th INDUCTION Training 1pm
11th Christmas BBQ 12 noon
18th Management Meeting 9.30am
18th MCU Christmas Program 12noon
11th 10am & 5.55pm
Greater Norther Raiders 20/20 games UTAS stadium.
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