While most listeners are still fast asleep around 5:00 a.m., every day one of a band of dedicated breakfast presenters is arriving at the studios to prepare for the breakfast program.The breakfast presenter will spend the next hour before broadcasting commences at 6:00 am to set up the sponsorship segments, get all the weather information, review the day’s Examiner newspaper to select which headline stories will be broadcast, and to select which Community Diary items to announce during the program. Then from 6:00 a.m., it is all go!! The breakfast team comprises Alan Andersen (Saturdays & alternate Mondays), Graeme Harris (alternate Mondays), Ben Wetselaar (Tuesdays) Mike Conlon (Wednesdays and Fridays), Howard Kaplan (Thursdays) and Steven Weeks (Sundays).
Each of the presenters has their own unique style of presentation, and their own favourite genres of music, but all of them try to present a broad mix of upbeat music. It is this great variety which makes the CPR Breakfast Programs so attractive to listeners when compared to the sameness of commercial radio breakfast programs.

Now that’s something to crow about !!!!

The breakfast presenters love hearing from their listeners, so if you would like to give them some live feedback on their program, you can do so by sending a text message to the CPR Text Line on 0438 187 686 or calling them at the studio on 6334 3344.

You should not start your day without listening to the City Park Radio Breakfast Programs.

DOWNLOAD July Program Schedule HERE

DOWNLOAD July Newsletter HERE



The Launceston City Council recently voted to continue leasing the City Park Cottage to City Park Radio.  After the initial good work initiated by our patron Don Wing 30 years ago, the cottage and stable has been the home for City Park Radio. With the current lease expiring in April this year, your Management Committee requested that the lease continue.

On the 21st May, the council agreed unanimously to continue to lease the cottage to City Park Radio. They recognized our radio station “is a place for the community to come together to learn valuable skills and make good friends by taking part in radio production”.

In line with council policy, the station will continue to pay a peppercorn rental and meet the necessary outgoing costs such as power, utilities and government taxes.

There is no doubt the Council is also pleased that our radio museum allows public access to this wonderful council building as well.   Thank you, Mayor and Aldermen.


You like us and you like what the station is doing, and you enjoy the variety of programs.

These are the findings in our recent community engagement survey. Of course, there are a few critical opinions, but they are a small minority.

For the geek within us …  despite emails, newsletter articles and on-air encouragement, we managed only 150 responses which resulted in the sample size being too small to be definitive about some aspects of the survey.

The audience Time Spent Listening was an impressive 21.7 hours a week –  56% male, 42% female – 62% listen at Breakfast, 80% Mornings, 76% Lunchtime, 73% Drivetime, 57% Evenings.

The “top attribute” for the station is “what it does best” – information about the local area or local issues – the other main reason for listening, 58% Special Interest Music.

Favorite music 60/70’s 66%, Easy listening 60%, Australian 55%, 80/90’s 53%, Rock 45%, 40/50’s 41% Classical 36% Jazz/Blues 36% Country 35% World music 30%.

What regular listeners want: Local information 71%, community interest group 54%, Australian news 61%, Sport 39%, Cultural programming 40%, Special interest music 45%, Indigenous content 33%.  Of interest, 45% of regular listeners also ticked the emergency broadcast box.

The survey indicated that most of what we are doing is satisfying the audience whether it is for general music, specialist music, sport, news and information or local issues. For that we really thank everyone … especially our volunteers and presenters who make it happen every day of the week.

INTRODUCTION TO THE Newsletter Editorial Team.

Following on from Jim Jacob and Chris Sayer, the third and final profile features Howard Kaplan, who came to Australia from South Africa 40 years ago.

As part of a long and successful career in information technology and computers, Howard lived and worked in Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane, as well as for short periods in the USA and SE Asia.  After finally retiring (tried 3 times), he and his partner Nancy moved to Tasmania some 8 years ago and he began looking for (and tried) some volunteering options, but couldn’t find any that were personally satisfying.

That was until he found City Park Radio about 5 years ago. He liked what he heard, made contact with the station, and began initially on-air with “Examiner Readings”, and then onto programs such as “Mornings With”, and weekend afternoons. Being an early riser anyway, he also now presents the Thursday morning breakfast program. Howard is passionate about good music, and his personal music library is a large and eclectic collection from the 1960s up to the present day.

He loves Tassie’s temperate climate, after enduring summers on mainland Australia that were too hot. He describes Launceston as a human-sized city, as it is very welcoming and has everything you need (particularly in his older years) but does not have large crowds or heavy traffic. His other main interests comprise playing bridge and on-line learning.


  1. The Committee would like to remind you of the Annual General Meeting on Saturday 25th August. Members are encouraged to contribute to the running of our station and nominate for the new Committee. Notices will go out in July and nominations must be received one week prior to the AGM. Nomination forms are also available at the office.
  2. Membership Renewal (due 30th June). Did you know that members can make a direct deposit to the Commonwealth Bank to renew their membership? Details are BSB 067-003 Account Number 2804 7328.


The City Park Museum will be closed to the public for two weeks.

We will be re-organizing & stock-taking exhibits, plus updating shelving and lighting in the main area.

RADIO MUSEUM CLOSED 14th – 29th July inclusive

Reopens 10am – Monday 30th July 2018

We apologise for any inconvenience the closure may cause.

NB The office will remain open 9.30am – 3pm.