Senator Polley visited City Park Radio recently to hear about our operations and to find out more about DAB+ radio. She was impressed with the number of volunteers who are active at City Park Radio and is very supportive of community radio providing the excellent free to air service that we do. Senator Polley is well aware City Park Radio is a friend and a companion to so many people.

City Park Radio also took the opportunity to explain that DAB+ radio should be another option for all listeners in our area as all new radios and cars have digital radio. As you know, there has been a limited low power trial transmission for DAB+ in Launceston, so City Park Radio is lobbying to have ALL northern services available on higher power and wider coverage — and all services (commercial radio, community radio and the ABC) on the same footprint as other services from Mt Barrow.

Earlier this year, CPR met with other civic leaders to gather support for the introduction of DAB+ radio.

Senator Polley undertook to discuss the matter with the Communications Minister to see if there is any opportunity to make the extension of DAB+ to Northern Tasmania a special project.

CPR waits to hear more


MEMBERSHIPS are now due

Reminder that all our volunteers and presenters must be financial members


Undersong is a Tasmanian journey into Country.

What is home? What does it mean to us?

In this evocative journey around Tasmania, Hilary Burden attempts to tune into the subtle, underlying sounds of this island’s landscape, to understand the nature of this place, our identity within it, and our shared awareness of our common past.

It’s the stories of Tasmanian landscapes and environments seen through the journeys of Indigenous and non-Indigenous women,

A recollection of Tasmania between natural history, literary reference and historical memorial which may just get you thinking about your place in Tasmania.

Hear Hilary Burden read her new book “Undersong”.. a different chapter each week, on Wednesday afternoons in July & August from 4pm on City Park Radio.


Encouraged by City Park Radio to apply, Lilith Hosken tells us she is a lucky recipient of a CBAA scholarship to attend this year’s CBAA conference. This is great news for a young person desiring to get more exposure in radio broadcasting.

PSC member Bethany Madson also had expressed her interest to attend and had applied for a scholarship. So the Management Committee also selected Bethany to represent City Park Radio at the conference.

City Park Radio is always keen to see personal development in, and greater awareness of, the broader community radio area. In 2024, City Park Radio will have funded four people to attend conferences with Terenz Batac and Elena Chagoya having already attended the NEMBC conference.

Slow n fast, HARD n SOFT

A new program for Sunday Evenings

With a large collection of music to choose from, Purdy takes a deep dive into the world of alternative music.

Selected music will start slowly and the tempo will ebb and flow as Purdy sorts through five decades of diverse music that listeners seldom hear on radio these days.

It’s a program that will appeal to people who have an active interest in alternative music.

Will Purdy play Hurdy Gurdy Man … you need to listen to find out.

Sundays at 10pm  on City Park Radio


City Park Radio with the LONG LUNCH program at THE LOUNGE Tuesday 25th June.

AGM & Constitution update

The management committee is proposing a small change to our constitution to insert a new clause, and re-number succeeding sub-clauses

14.6.3 candidates nominated for any officer position shall have completed a term as ordinary committee prior to nomination

14.6.4. If insufficient nominations are received to fill all vacancies on the ordinary committee, the candidates

nominated shall be deemed to be elected and further nominations shall be received at the Annual General Meeting.

14.6.5. If the number of nominations exceeds the number of vacancies to be filled a ballot shall be held.

For some time, the committee has been concerned that the constitution allows people to nominate for executive positions who have no experience managing City Park Radio. Our station is an independent community radio station with policies and procedures, and it seems incumbent on persons aspiring to be on the executive to have had at least 12 months CPR committee experience.  Knowing the purpose and management of community radio, and particularly the intrinsic operation of City Park Radio, is essential for the ongoing survival of our station.

The Management Committee has agreed to make this new proposed clause to the constitution as a special item for consideration at this forthcoming AGM.

AGM – save the date … as usual, the last Saturday in August – this year August 31, 11am

Nominations for committee to be received by August 24th – nomination forms in the office.


Eleanor Zurowski, team leader of the CBAA member engagement team paid a visit to see just how City Park Radio comes together. Together with Jeremy Graham of the digital radio project team, they were in Tassie to meet as many stations as possible. Both were surprised to see the history of radio in the museum … and Eleanor couldn’t resist a smooch for the pooch Nipper.


3 July  – Programming Sub Committee 5.31pm
20 July – Management Meeting  9.30am
21 July – Bunnings Invermay BBQ  9am-4pm

SPORTS Broadcasts

6 July – TSL Lton v Glenorchy  1.55pm
6 July – NBL1 – Tornadoes v Bendigo
13 July – TSL – Lton v Nth Lton 1.55pm
20 July – AFLW – Tas v NSW/ACT 2.20pm
20 July – AFLM – Tas v NSW/ACT  5pm
27 July – TSL – Nth Lton v Lauderdale 12.55pm


Invermay News, Barratts, Community Care Tasmania, Rainbow Building, ELGAS, Renta-Grandson, Clean Sweep Tas, Bru Coffee Hut,  Esk Medical Centre , Tamar Dental, LTTL, Fiveways Denture Centre.

Barratts Music