City Park Radio is looking for a person to organise, produce and schedule sponsorship announcement on community radio.
It’s your opportunity to be involved with your community radio station….. in charge of sponsorship at City Park Radio.
Along with our volunteers, Sponsorship is the lifeblood of community radio …
If you have some experience in sales, enjoy meeting local businesses and have some computer experience with spreadsheets and word processing, you could be perfect for the job..
You’ll be working to with the President & Treasurer to raise the profile and revenue for the station
Hours and days are negotiable … and would suit someone with a few casual hours each week to give back to the community.
Training is available.
A dedicated computer terminal and phone extension is available
Expense reimbursement is negotiable.
The person we are seeking must be willing to meet people, maintain contact with clients, plan their workload and timelines.
You will be a self starter, and be able to work with minimal supervision for our office in the City Park Cottage. A current drivers licence will enable you to visit current and prospective sponsorship clients.
To obtain ore information or to express interest in the role – contact the station – 6334 3344.
Dr Frank Madill is well-known in Tasmania as a retired General Practitioner and a former Tasmanian politician, but City Park Radio listeners know him better as the host of “Medical Mysteries, Old and New”.
Each program has two parts. You’ll learn about a famous figure from history in the first part, and then in the second will be the modern context on the mystery illness that afflicted them, and where it lies in today’s understanding of the human condition.
This latest series is the 7th in five years, and Dr Frank is still finding new and interesting stories from history.
You can hear “Medical Mysteries” on Mondays at 1:30pm during the Long Lunch program, and you can also catch up on all the previous episodes at the podcast page on our website at www.cityparkradio.com.
Annual memberships expire on June 30. Now is the time to show your support of City Park Radio and renew your membership.
All our volunteers and presenters are required to be financial members.
You can pay your membership by cash, cheque or credit card at the City Park Cottage office weekdays … or via direct bank deposit to CBA 067 003 2804 7328… and include your name in the deposit information.
The 2024 Community Radio Awards celebrate excellence in community broadcasting.
Why don’t you highlight the achievements of City Park Radio.
With over 30 diverse categories to enter, you are invited to find a category to show off the people, programs and initiatives that make you proud of your station’s excellent programming.
It could be the sporting broadcasts, a specialist music program, a multicultural program or perhaps one of the many programs that emanate from the community. It could be an outside broadcast or a special feature you have enjoyed.
Last year, our programs See Me-Stories of Ability, The Misadventures of Agnetha Deveaux, and Multicultural Engagement were finalists in the 2023 CBAA Awards.
Who could it be this year ?
Celebrate your station and the people who make it special! Entries close July 1.
Details about the various categories and criteria at https://shorturl.at/ToolS
There has been a slight increase in funding for the community broadcasting sector in line with indexation.
The allocation this financial year is 22,587, up from $21,893 million last year.
The government funding allocated to the Community Broadcasting Foundation will increase over the forward years to $24,053m by 2027/28. That’s just 1.5 million extra over three years for more than 450 community stations.
Government funding is distributed to stations such as City Park Radio on a successful grant application process. If we don’t meet the criteria thresholds, we miss out.
The Government is currently working through their ‘Review into the Sustainability of Community Broadcasting’ gathering evidence for future support of community broadcasters. Whatever they decide, it will have an impact on community broadcasting like City Park Radio. Let’s hope it is a positive result.
1st PUBLIC & PROGRAM Meeting 11am
8th BUNNING BBQ 9am-4pm
10th PUBLIC HOLIDAY – Kings Birthday
15th Management Meeting 9.30am
21st International Yoga Day
21st Winter Solstice
9th June TSL Lton v Lauderdale 1.55pm
15th June TSL Nth Lton v Clarence 12.55pm
28th June NBL1 Tornadoes v Diamond Valley 5.25pm
29th June TSL Nth Lton v Kingborough 1.55pm
29th June NBL1 Tornadoes v Kilsyth 5.55pm
Sharing the Care Expo: Empowering your Independence
City Park Radio Outside Broadcast – 7 May 2024 – We were on location at the Punchbowl Christian Centre. We thank Community Care Tasmania for the opportunity to meet our listeners and chat with the many service providers in our community.
Hi guys,
I’ve shared your position vacant on the Launceston Blues Club and my personal Facebook pages.
I tweaked it slightly to suit Facebook and they are both public posts, so let me know if there is something that needs to be changed or expanded. Or comment on the LBC page if you want to add any info.
Jude Simpson
Launceston Blues Club
Thank you Jude …looks good.
As always, if any of your members would like to be members of City Park Radio, I’m sure we could find a radio program slot for them.
We love music !