National Volunteer Week 2024 20-26 May
National Volunteer Week 2024 recognises the diverse passions and talents people bring to the act of volunteering…. The theme this year is – Something for Everyone
It’s an invitation to explore the myriad of opportunities available at City Park Radio. There’s a place for everyone whether you’re drawn to learning more skills or finding a place where your unique skills and interests can flourish or express your passion for radio.
There are so many areas you can participate in for a few hours a day, or week or month. Administration, tour guides, technical, management, sponsorship or presenting radio programs.
It’s proven that a regular commitment to be active in a volunteering role is good for your heart, body and soul. Your contribution is very much appreciated by your volunteer colleagues and the people who listen to community radio. It makes their day all the more important.
While City Park Radio recognizes National Volunteer Week and we thank all our volunteers for providing the joy and companionship, we also invite our other members to join the volunteer squad to spread the reach of community radio.
DOWNLOAD MAY Program Schedule HERE
Our members who received a double pass giveaway to the Princess Theatre performance of “The Spirit of the ANZACS” were,
Congratulations … and thank you for being great supporters of City Park Radio. We hope you enjoy the show as a guest of City Park Radio and Theatre North
Our sponsor Community Care Tasmania is hosting an EXPO on Tuesday 7th May and City Park Radio will be there.
The theme for the expo is supporting people to live independently at home and to showcase local businesses and organisations sharing this goal.
This is an exciting opportunity to go along and chat with local businesses supporting our community with the aim of empowering your independence.
This FREE expo provides an opportunity to gather practical and up-to-date information on services and other support services available to keep you or your family member informed, safe and supported at home and in the community.
The EXPO is at the Punchbowl Centre from 10am to 3pm ….. City Park Radio will broadcast live from 12 noon to 2pm…. C’mon on down and meet some of the volunteers behind the scenes at City Park Radio.
Have you ever thought of making a greater contribution to your community station.
There is a temporary vacancy until August to be part of the committee and gather the skills and experience to nominate for an ongoing position with management.
It was suggested recently by a member that the committee should actually come up with innovative ideas and start showing some leadership. This is your opportunity to assist. Express your interest to the President 6334 3344.
City Park Radio is searching for a sponsorship officer to assist with contacting and engaging local businesses.
Ideally, you may have a record of selling, but more important, is a desire to meet and talk with local business about sponsoring a community radio station. The position would suit with one or two weekdays to spare between 9am and 3pm.
If you, or someone you know, is up for the challenge, contact the station 6334 3344 to discuss further.
Our regular series of Schools Out returns this month for 2024.
From May 16th, a variety of primary and secondary schools will take turns in presenting news, views, information about their school life in Launceston…. And you get the chance to listen to some of the music school students are listening to. It may surprise you.
If you have children or grandchildren at school, ask them when they are going to be on Schools Out … and if they don’t know , get them to ask their teacher.
Schools Out is heard Thursdays at 4.30pm
In 1986, our membership fee was $52 per year —- today, if it was adjusted for inflation, the fee would now be $164.
Every five years, City Park Radio has to apply for our broadcast licence to be renewed.
It is quite an exercise in detailing how the station connects with various parts of our community over the past couple of years, what we are proud of and what we plan for in the future.
We boast about our achievements and show how we meet our promise of performance and differentiate ourselves from other local broadcasters… eg meeting our Australian (& Tasmanian) music quotas. We also need to provide an assessment of the challenges ahead.
The management committee has known since March that documents had to be prepared for submission by 20th April. We thank Jim Jacob & Chris Ball for all their hours, input and efforts to meet the 30th April deadline.
The Australian Media & Communications Authority will advise us if more information is required before the licence is able to be renewed in October 2024.
We are fortunate to welcome new members in recent weeks.
Otkaviani Turbaningsih and Benhur Joseph Raju
Lorraine Murray – tour guide
Dana Madson – Bethany’s producer
Russell Cheng – Cantonese program
Mark Langtry – listener at Mission Beach Qld
4th 1.55pm TSL Launceston v Nth Hobart
11th 5.55pm NBL1 Tornadoes v Tigers
17th 6.55pm TSL Nth Launceston V Launceston
25th 12.55pm TSL Nth Launceston v Lauderdale
3rd Programming Sub Committee 2.30pm
4th International Fire Fighters Day
11th Bunnings BBQ North Launceston 9am-4pm
11th Multicultural Meeting 10.30am
12th Mothers Day
18th Management Meeting 9.30am
26th National Sorry Day