June 2024

WE NEED YOU – SPONSORSHIP NEEDS YOU City Park Radio is looking for a person to organise, produce and schedule sponsorship announcement on community radio. It’s your opportunity to be involved with your community radio station….. in charge of sponsorship at City...

March 2024

Digital Radio (DAB+) in Launceston – Is it a Dream? As people may be aware, limited technical testing trials are happening in the CBD on Launceston. There are promising signs that this free-to-air radio platform will be available to radio stations in the...

February 2024

Special presentation: I, NOSTRADAMUS – Sunday 4th February 5pm The story unfolds through a series of original songs, integral to the script, that reflect both the joys and the sad and sombre moments of life; they range from a dramatic monologue set to music...

October 2023

SPEAK MY LANGUAGE The Speak My Language (SML) program involves culturally and linguistically diverse Australians with disabilities and their supporters, sharing real stories and experiences via podcast and broadcast. The stories are about living well with a disability...

September 2023

SPORTS BROADCASTS After another interesting year of home and away games in the Tasmanian State League the finals are approaching. It is certain that North Launceston will in the mix for the grand final and Launceston will be there finishing 4th for the season. City...