Programming is always on the lookout for more programming options for City Park Radio.
From January, the station will have three programming slots available for some unique program proposals.
The Hot Seat program is taking a break for at least 12 months, and the Dance Show has been slated for some time to finish at the end of December.
If you have a strong program idea that is sustainable on a weekly basis, programming wants to hear what you can offer.
As always, we are looking to increase the variety of programs, especially those that represent other genres and sections of our local community.
Some of the criteria the committee consider is how any new program fits within the program grid, is it different to other programs, could it have local interest to a local community group without a program, does it contribute to our promise to have 80/20 music talk mix, and does it better our aims for Australian content and diversity of programming.
Blue Forms for new program proposals are available in the office, and any new proposal should be sent to the Chair of the Programming sub-committee, Jim Jacob, by 30th November.
DOWNLOAD November Program Schedule HERE
City Park Radio All Time Top Fifty Tunes
Here at City Park Radio we are producing a listeners top fifty chart to broadcast on Boxing Day this coming festive season.
This is your opportunity to have a say in what we play!
All you have to do is compile a list of your favourite tunes from the last seventy years, up to a maximum of twenty.
Send your list to John Elcomb here at City Park Radio by any method, by post, CPR, PO Box 1501, Launceston 7250, email, or in person to our office.
Your selections should reach the station by Monday 12th December.
Volunteers to assist with overseeing the operation of the studios and transmission equipment. An interest in our technical operation is essential A radio technical background would be warmly welcomed, and the ability to repair audio equipment would be another advantage.
Volunteers to pursue local community & business sponsorship for the station. If you like meeting people and singing the praises of City Park Radio, this might be for you.
Support and guidance is provided for all volunteers
Expressions of interest to Jim Jacob 0429 596296
Air checks and program reviews are set to recommence in December 2022.
For all presenters – If you are unsure regarding what is involved in Air checks please refer to your Induction training notes with regard to presentation or go to our on line newsletter for a copy of checklist that is used.
Program reviews are a means of checking that the program that is being presented meets the program guidelines.
Go to our online newsletter to view the guidelines being used for general music programs.
Both of these processes are to ensure that the standards set by City Park Radio are maintained.
As always your comments and input is appreciated and will be discussed at an appropriate Programming meeting.
2nd Programming – 7pm
13th Bunnings BBQ – 9am-4pm
19th Management – 9.30am
DATE CLAIMER Saturday 17th December – CPR Christmas BBQ
These businesses support City Park Radio … please support them when next you shop.
Ello peeps!
Yesterday, Thur November 24 at about 4.30pm, was listening to a spoof on your station which seemed to be a take off of Eastenders with Elves. Can you enlighten me further? Love Lyn George (pukka cockney)
Hello Lyn,
The program is called “The Misadventures of Agnetha Deveaux” —- it is a locally written and produced radio serial of murder fantasy proportions with the elf detective. Each episode is an adventure and, as you say, could be a spoof on a familiar theme. The current season has 12 episodes and airs Thursdays at 4.04pm. City Park Radio is proud to be able to provide an opportunity for local writers and aspiring producers in our community to develop their talent….. Royce Pentaghast is the writer, producer, director, art director…… in fact, coordinates every aspect of the production.