October 2020

LIONS CLUB Donate to City Park Radio The Lions Club of Kings Meadows has donated $1000 to each City Park Radio, Enterprising Aardvark, Franklin House and Launceston Scouts The donation is to assist the recipients with funding during the COVID period. Lions members...

September 2020

INDUCTION TRAINING – September 5 Each quarter, the station holds its induction session for new volunteers. It gives a very good insight into community radio the rules and regulations of broadcasting especially as it applies to City Park Radio. It also outlines...

Friends of FM – May 2019

FUNDING FOR COMMUNITY RADIO The 2019 Federal Government’s budget included $19.7 million funding for the community broadcasting sector in the coming financial year. This represents no change to the expected ongoing funding for 2019/20. However, funding for the roll out...

Friends of FM – February 2019

READINGS FROM THE EXAMINER For a long time, City Park Radio has been presenting ‘Readings from The Examiner’, a program which is designed so that people who are visually impaired can be kept informed of happenings in our local community. ‘Readings from the Examiner’...

Friends of FM – January 2019

RADIO NOWHERE Radio Nowhere started in November 2009. Chris Sayer thought that Bruce Springsteen’s song “Radio Nowhere” was a great name for a radio show. Of course Chris never asked for Bruce’s permission, but Chris was sure Bruce wouldn’t mind –...