Each quarter, the station holds its induction session for new volunteers.
It gives a very good insight into community radio the rules and regulations of broadcasting especially as it applies to City Park Radio.
It also outlines our volunteering policies and provides good details for those aspiring to be presenters.
It is also a good refresher for current presenters.
So whether you are a member wanting to know more, wanting to be a volunteer or a budding presenter, the session starts at 1pm in our Studio D.
Due social distancing requirements, numbers are limited. Please let the office know if you are attending.
Each quarter, CPR holds a public meeting to discuss the station and programming matters.
It is part of our process to receive feedback on our operations and perhaps discover areas we can involve the community and extend ourselves with programming for the community.
The meeting will start at 10am in the Albert Hall Atrium . COVID hygiene and social distancing will be observed.
The new programming sub committee for 2020/2021 will also be selected at this meeting.
DOWNLOAD September program schedule HERE
Are you super at meeting and greeting, answering the phone and performing some office work?
City Park Radio is looking for a couple of volunteers to be the face of the station during office hours on Mondays and Friday and you won’t be asked to leap tall buildings in a single bound, nor climb ladders.
Linda & Barbara are calling time on their office volunteering .. and City Park Radio appreciates and values their contribution over the past years.
So if you have welcoming face, and a bark that will only scare dogs…. come and join the team … one day a week 9.30-3pm
Phone the office on 6334 3344 — during office hours of course.
VALE John Doyer
City Park Radio is mourning the loss of our friend and Life Member John Doyer.
John’s first program was on 7th December 1986, when he was one of the first presenters with Launceston’s new community radio station 7LTN-FM. Like all of our early presenters, he had to climb several flights of stairs in the Alanvale TAFE College at Newnham to reach the broadcast studio, an indication of his dedication to the cause.
John’s final program for City Park Radio was to present Sunday Afternoon Music on 10th July 2016. Over those 30 years, John presented many specialist programs as well as general music. His many hundreds of hours of broadcasting would have reached countless listeners with his beautiful rich, deep voice.
His first love was jazz, and whenever you listened to a John Doyer Jazz Spectrum program, you’d be assured of an informative and entertaining show presented with passion and enthusiasm.
Vale John Doyer, and thank you.
This time of year there is the CAN DRIVE for the Benevolent Society … and City Park Radio is pleased to be a drop off point for your contributions.
We are taking your cans and packets of non perishable food up until Friday September 4 …. still a few days to go to drop off a few tins or a carton.. our City Park Radio community helping others in our community.
We are now filling a second large box … so your contributions will be warmly welcomed.
Do you remember the glorious “Our Path”, which was performed at the Gorge in 2001?
Or the oh-so-witty “Poxed” from Tasmanian Theatre Company?
Or when the mighty “Tamar Tidings” was performed on a barge on kanamaluka/Tamar River?
Meet Launceston’s Stella Kent – an AWGIE-award winning playwright – as part of Conversations with Friends of Theatre North.
This discussion was recorded in August by arrangement with Theatre North.
City Park Radio will replay this talk on Monday 7th September at 4.04pm in place of our regular program Arts Alive

The Tasmanian Community Achievement Awards encourage, acknowledge and reward the valuable contributions that individuals, communities and businesses make throughout Tasmania.
The awards aim to recognise the success and achievements, which contribute to making Tasmania a better place.
We are proud to announce that City Park Radio is a semi finalist this year … judging starts in September 1 … and the awards are presented in November.
Lets hope we are successful in the group of ten vying for this awards.
AGM – 29th August – 11am Albert Hall
PUBLIC MEETING – 5th September – 10am Albert Hall
PROGRAM Meeting – 5th September – follows Public Meeting
INDUCTION TRAINING – 5th September – 1pm Studio D
MANAGEMENT MEETING – 19th September – 9.30am venue TBA
5th 1.55pm – Launceston v Glenorchy
19th 1.55pm – Launceston v North Hobart
26th 1.25pm – Kingborough V North Launceston