After another interesting year of home and away games in the Tasmanian State League the finals are approaching.
It is certain that North Launceston will in the mix for the grand final and Launceston will be there finishing 4th for the season.
City Park Radio has spent the season broadcasting the home games at Windsor Park or York Park.
It will be the 11th year of broadcasting the finals and it’s likely to be the penultimate year as football in the state undergoes a restructuring in 2025.
All the more reason to tune in.
This year Dave Mohr has anchored the broadcasts with great assistance from Matthew McGee, Rob Soward, Dave Gruber, Michael Walker with Tony Webb, Chris Sayer and Alec Crosswell on the boundary.
The TSL finals are on the 9/10, 16/17 with the GF on 23/24 September. CPR will broadcast the finals our northern teams are in.
If time and space allows, CPR will also broadcast the NTFA Premier division grand final as well.
DOWNLOAD September Program Schedule HERE
Once again listeners and members of City Park Radio were generous to the Can Drive.
This is an annual fundraiser for the Launceston Benevolent Society to donate canned food and dry food for the people of Northern Tasmania.
We know there are others who are doing it tougher than us, so it is warming to know our listeners give what they can (no pun intended)
The organiser, Andrew Cowley from Zest Advertising, made several trips from the City Park Radio office to take our contributions to the Benevolent Society.
Zest Advertising thanks us, and we thank our listeners. Well done everyone.
VALE – Elizabeth Collins
Elizabeth was one of those people who found City Park Radio in the early 2000’s and while listening heard the call out for volunteers.
Not for a moment did she think she would become a presenter. Elizabeth was keen to be involved in any of the many other activities.
It was the then president, Cheryl Clayton, who persuaded Elizabeth to train and become a presenter, and the rest is history.
In 2008, Elizabeth began her Late Night Lounge program on a Wednesday evening building a loyal audience and making new friends. Soon after came a second program, Tuesday afternoons. Elizabeth was still working and eventually gave Wednesday nights away and later moved Late Night Lounge to Friday evening.
In the last four years, ongoing and sometimes unforgiving medical treatment forced Elizabeth to reduce her workload. Elizabeth eventually left the roster for Late Night Lounge and then just a few months ago relinquished her last program, Afternoons w.
It is agreed Elizabeth had a lot of fun volunteering and gave so many great listening moments.
Our sincere condolences to Elizabeth’s family.
Your 2023-24 Management Committee
Over 40 people attended your AGM on 26th August, 2023 with another dozen members offering their apologies to the meeting.
Jim Jacob was elected by members present to be the President for another two years.
There were sufficient nominations to cover the vacant positions and those nominees were duly appointed.
Treasurer – Chris Ball (2)
General committee – Elizabeth Walters, Ben Barwick, Declan Pape (2) Mike Conlon (1)
With one year remaining: Secretary – Sheila Hoban, Vice-President – Chris Sayer, Committee- Ayu Rohmana, John Elcomb.
Next Management meeting – 16th September at 930am
During the meeting our guests thanked all volunteers for the work that they do. The Mayor of the West Tamar Christina Homdahl also thanked the station for the opportunity to raise awareness of activities in her municipality. Matthew Garwood (Launceston Mayor) asked us to reach out to him and the council and seek assistance whenever it is required.
Rosemary Armitage MLC also offered her insight with her occasional involvement with Readings from The Examiner. Ms Armitage expressed her new found admiration for those who have the responsibility for reading each day. (Mike Dunphy also thanked Rosemary for printing the monthly snail mail colour newsletter at her office).
Don Wing (Patron) is a long time supporter of City Park Radio. Since the early days. Don has given a listener insight in to the station. Mr Wing told the meeting of listening to the football broadcasts in his car at Windsor Park and astounded to hear on air of people engaging with the program from around the world eg Vietnam. He was pleased the excellent and high quality programs were showcasing us to an international audience.
NB Don Wing also accepted our offer to remain as our Patron for the coming year.
It is hard to believe that every week for the last three years, The Geeks have produced a weekly program discussing all matters cult (not necessarily the occult).
On August 31st, it was episode 170 of The Geeks Review – a locally made program here in Launceston.
Royce Pentaghast, Josh, Jake and friends spend some time behind the microphone waxing lyrically often way in excess of 28 minutes leaving Royce to decide which bits to leave out each week.
It’s not so much as they have run out of things to talk about but time to take a break from late night binge watching and energy drinks to focus on a couple of unfinished projects.
The Geeks plan to return in 2024, in the meantime the program timeslot (Thursdays 4.04pm) will be filled by more earthly matters.
In the meantime, Royce will be in post production for the next series of The Misadventures of Agnetha Deveaux.
The next program meeting on 9th September will nominate a sub committee to manage the day to day running of programs on the station.
Expressions of Interest are sought from ANY member to be part of the group.
It is not just restricted to presenter volunteers but to anyone with an interest in programming.
Not only does the committee meet on a regular basis, but also members of the programming committee are actively involved in programming operations.
For further information before the meeting, or to put your hat in the ring, contact Jim Jacob.
Otherwise, attend the meeting and express your interest….. Saturday 9th September 11am
Slicked back hair is optional !!
DIARY REMINDER – 2nd September – World Coconut Day
Please support your sponsors as they support the magnificent work and programs we produce for Northern Tasmania.
My compliments to the Editor (s) for the Newsletter. as usual, very detailed and informative.
Thank you for the effort