Do you enjoy hearing about the history and culture of our unique State?
Beginning on August 30, Arts Alive will feature a four part series of stories from a new anthology called In Pursuit of Tasmania.
The book is the result of two passions shared by members of Tatlers Women Writers of Northern Tasmania – love of writing and love of Tasmania.
It’s a treasure chest of stories, articles and poems which shine a light on the life and history of our special island, from colonial times to the present.
That’s Arts Alive, on the last Monday of the month from August 30, at 4pm.
City Park Radio was quite successful in the CBAA 2020 awards winning three categories and a finalist in a fourth – not bad for a small station.
The awards are happening again this year and who knows what can happen … With more than 30 categories, the CBAA Community Radio Awards celebrate innovation, perseverance and community champions within the community media sector.
There are categories for stations, teams/individuals, initiatives and programs. Entries must focus on activities that took place between 1 May 2020 and 30 April 2021. So here’s your opportunity to nominate programs and people within City Park Radio.
Read about the Selection Criteria for all categories and don’t forget to check out the Terms and Conditions at . The deadline for applications is 15 August.
Also, if any member is interested in attending the CBAA conference in Cairns this year – please have a chat with Jim Jacob before August 2.
The next program of Theatre North conversations is quite revealing. The Princess theatre has been a performing arts theatre for more than 50 years.
From the Australian Ballet to Godspell, Les Mis to the Phantom, we have sat under the chandelier and enjoyed a wide variety of entertainment.
And yet some of the best stories happen behind the curtain, backstage, in the roof or the lighting box.
In this special program, five special guests reminisce about the move of live performance from the National Theatre to the Princess and all the goings on behind the scenes.
From dodgy ladders to improvisation, from affairs and scuttlebutt to some high praise you are invited to listen in as the stories flow.
A special program in Arts Alive – Monday 9th August at 4pm
Do you have an interest in broadcast equipment?
Do you have an understanding how broadcast equipment works and connects together.
Perhaps you have the added ability to diagnose and fix faults on broadcast and transmission equipment.
City Park Radio is always on the lookout for volunteers to assist in this area. Can you help ?
If you are THAT person, or know someone who could fit the bill … let our President Jim Jacob know before someone else grabs them.
AGM – 28 August 11am … Albert Hall
Time is now to nominate for the committee.
There are three executive positions President, Secretary and Treasurer up for election as well as three 2year committee position.
Any organization is only as good as the committee it selects … new blood brings new ideas and better community connections
Please consider nominating – your voice is part of our community.
Nomination forms are available in the office .. and nominations must be with the Secretary by 21st August
Timely reminder – members must be financial to vote at the AGM … Also all volunteers (inc presenters) need to be financial members.
HOT SEAT Milestone
Sunday 22nd August will see a celebration for the HOT Seat.
The 150th program in the current series. Surely this is something to crow about – and we will !
In this program, Chris Sayer presents representative highlights of City Park Radio history when he features snippets of interviews of volunteers past and present.
Hear it at 11am on Sunday 22nd, repeated on Friday 27th at 4pm.
Work is progressing on our community podcast corner in Studio D. Once established, the general community (individuals or groups) will be able to book and record their podcasts in a special fit-for-purpose studio space.
Soon we will asking for volunteers to act as our podcast captains. You will be trained to operate the equipment and assist people when required.
It is hoped that this facility will make more of the Launceston community aware of their community station, and their podcasts will enhance the range of program content on our station.
Programming Committee 4th August 7pm
Management Meeting 21st August 9.30am
1.55pm TSL – Launceston v Glenorchy
6.15pm NBL1 – Torns v Nunawading
1.55pm TSL – Launceston v Lauderdale
5.45p NBL1 – Torns v Falcons
28th – TSL finals begin
Please add this to your next month’s newsletter if possible.
Launceston Library Level 1 will be hosting an exhibition by local artist Margot Jacobs Thigpen. Her works include botanical watercolours and glass engravings of flora, fauna and reptiles. They will be displayed in the glass cabinets on Level 1 for the month of September 2021.